Make a Report

Get to know how to make a report to municipality.

This page will open only if you are in one of the supported cities.

This button can be used to make a report to your municipality of your locality about garbage, pests, stagnant water, dead animals, etc.

Another cool function you can perform in the report page is that you can notify the municipality about areas where trees can be planted. With all this, you can help the government in making your environment cleaner.

For each useful report to the municipality, you get one point each. The more you contribute, the more points you have and the more you will rank higher in the leaderboard section The top 10 users of your locality will be featured in the leaderboard section as well as top 10 users among all users of the Impilo, will be featured in the global leaderboard.

To know more about Leader Board, check it's documentation.

The interface of the Report page is as follows:


At the top, you have a map that bounds the area where you are. Your current location and the city you are in will be shown with a boundary around it.

This is the sample of the map with the city Fazilka and its boundary being shown.

This will help know your location and locate where the area affected with things told above is.

How to use it?

To make a report, please make sure you follow these guidelines:

  • First, make sure the map is successfully loaded. There can be a conflict if your location changes while making a report as if you change location while making a report, the report might get submitted to another area's server.

  • Then, select the type of report you are going to make from the selection area available below the map.

  • Next, enter the location of the affected area. You should enter a valid location else your leaderboard points shall be deducted.

If you are at the current location of the selected type, then you may use the Use Current Location button to use your exact current location for submitting the report.

  • After that, you can proceed to select an image of the report type, as if there is garbage at any place, you can select its image(from your file storage or camera) and can proceed further.

  • Press the submit button to successfully send the report.

If the report gets successfully submitted, then you can be assured it has successfully been sent to the municipality. Depending on the quality of the report, its correctness and accuracy, you will be given one point for each useful report and deducted one point for each unuseful report.

The points you get purely depend on the basis of how the municipality officials perceive your report, and it is under them to acknowledge your effort. I do not hold any information regarding that.

Last updated