Utilize Reports

Describes how to get details of a report and react to it.

To get the details of a report, you just need to click on any of the reports you are interested in and a new page with the details of the report you clicked.

Let us assume this sample report and we want its details

Just click on it and a new page will open.

This contains the image of the report as submitted by the user, other details as Report type, its ID, UID of the user who submitted the report, location of the affected area, city, and state.

The report, when the investigation is complete can be marked as useful or not-useful by pressing the buttons given under the details(scroll down if you can't see them).

Please be sure to read the alert when you click the buttons and then proceed to mark the report. Remember, a biased marking will affect nothing of anyone, but will not be beneficial for the environment. Each report is valuable and should be looked into.

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